Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tackle it Tuesday!

Guess what today is?? That's right, it's Tackle it Tuesday. I have a hefty little todo list for this fine Tuesday.  Check it out:

1.  Laundry - Wash.Fold.Put Away (pic below)

I do laundry once a week which is why it appears that we have tons.  I didn't take an after pictures because there really wasn't anything to take pictures of.  Empty baskets maybe? No.  (and my batteries died in me camera)

2.  Pay Bills (Sorry no pics)

Since it was the beginning of the month I had to pay bills or get them set up to be paid.  This process is more time comsuming than anything, but I have to do it.  I organize all the bills by date, update our monthy calendar then pay them all online.  I also shred the last months bills when I'm done. (see pic below)

3.  Shred paper

I was originally just going to shred my bills but I decided to take this one a step further and clean out our filing cabinet and shred all the OLD documents we've been hoarding away for 8 years. What you don't keep all of your old insurance EOBs for 8 years? Just me? Oh. I also reorganized the cabinet to be more me friendly. (see why the day ended up being to busy & me so tired?)

4.  Clean living room
This is our living room on a daily basis.  I don't always clean it but today I have to.  I was going CRAZY!!  I decided to label everything that doesn't belong in the lving room.  Needless to say after I cleaned this room spotless it was cluttered with stuff withing 30 minutes.  I should have taken a picture so I could remember what it looked like :(

5.  Make meals for tomorrow

Since Nick and I are on the HCG diet together, We I have to make sure to cook almost all of our meals everyday.  Today I cooked 3 servings of buffalo chicken, 2 servings of asparagus, 1 serving of green beans and 1 serving of shrimp.  It's not alot but I was still work. & I do it EVERYDAY!!

6.  Do final for class

I didn't get this done. I have until the 9th.  Maybe I will start tomorrow.  :)

That was my Tackle it Tuesday.  I think 5/6 isn't bad.   Have a good night!


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