Friday, October 3, 2008

Are you kidding me!?!? Really?!


OK, so I have always wanted to be in on the political things in life. But for some reason I'm not. I told myself this year I would be and I would vote. (no, I haven't voted previously, EVER) I want to vote. It is my right as an American. This effects my future and my childrens future. I should vote, Right?!

McCain and Obama both have strong points on issues that I believe in. Obama for withdrawing troops, McCain for No Child Gets left Behind, Obama and McCain for the Death Penalty, to name a few. All of which I believe in. So I am rather torn as to whom I'm going to vote for. So since I cant decide on a Presidential candidate, I figured I would look to whom they picked to be their right hand person, the second in line, The Vice President. I attempted to watch the Vice-Presidential Debate last night, which was a beating!!! I could only stomach so much "Gosh, Darn it!" and fumbling over words. Are you kidding me?!.... Really???? YOU ARE GOING TO BE VICE- PRESIDENT, TAKE A FEW FREAKING CLASSES ON PUBLIC SPEAKING, Please?!


Give me something to work with?! I know this election is going to be a big election for America, because of the "Firsts" in history. The First Bi-Racial President, the First Female Vice-President, and the first time Stefanie Wade is voting. This is important people!!! Like I said I am torn. I'm going to go do more research and I will get back to you... Until then have a great day!


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