Thursday, March 5, 2009

A little update for ya...

So this week I kind of had a little scare..Monday as I was leaving work I had this sharp, pulling pain on the left side of my pelvis... (hip/pelvis area) Well it was bad enough to stop me in my tracks... I'm supposed to be having some normal growing pains, but this didn't feel normal. So I left work, went home to change for the gym....( Prepare yourself for TMI = To Much Information) and go pee, well I has some spotting and I freaked out. I called the doc and he said it is not abnormal to have some spotting and pain, but if I have any heavy bleeding, i should go to the ER or constant spotting through out the night that I should call him in the am and they would have me come in and have a sono...But in the mean time I was not to lift, push, pull, or do anything the rest of the night. I immediately started crying and thinking about all the reasons as to why I was spotting. I called Nick and he was completely calm (probably because he knew if he freaked, I would freak even more) and he promised me an easy night and Ice cream for dinner. Ok so fast forward... I woke up around midnight with the same pain and more spotting, needless to say I did get much sleep after that. So I call the doc first thing in the am, and I had an appointment that afternoon. I got to meet the other doc in the practive. She did an exam and sono. The doc said she could tell there was blood, but could tell what caused it... She did say I have multiple cyst on my ovaries and that could have caused it... But didn't know for sure. So here is the best part.... Baby #2 looks great! Measuring at 10wks 1d, and I was supposed to be 9wk 5ds. Baby's got a big head and little arms and legs... and now here's the best-best part... The sac that they were calling a 'missed twin' is now gone... The baby no longer has a roommate!!! When I saw that the sac was gone I felt as if a weight had been lifted, there was no longer anything to get in the way of Baby #2 growing!!! So an appointment for a scary situation, turned into a great appointment!! I am very happy... and I don't have another appointment until April 3! P.S. I am going to try not to gain any weight this month, as I gain 3.5 pounds.... not a good start, but hey I'm Pregnant!!!

I hope you all have a great week and weeknd! Isaiah and Lyla are coming up for spring break, so I will post an update about our week, in a week! :) Until then, Take care!



Bradshaw's Buzz said...

I'm glad it turned into a great appt How scary! :-(
Re: weight gain don't worry about it!!

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord it wasn't anything serious! We are praying for you in our ever-growing list of moms!