Sunday, January 17, 2010

Picture of the Week

'Rice Cereal'
This picture was taken last night, we decided to introduce rice cereal into Ava's diet. It was an experiment to see how well she did with the spoon and to see if it would help with her sleeping. We sat her in her chair at the table with us while we had dinner. She did really good eating/sucking it from the spoon. & she didn't make a huge mess. & She loved the cereal too. Everytime the spoon would get close to her mouth she would start getting excited, sorta like a fat kid with cake!
Spoon Feeding = Success!!!
Now time for the sleeping test. We recently converted her to sleeping in her crib, however with that she is no longer sleeping through the night (STTN). We have tried snuggling/swaddling her nice and tight, but she just kicks off the blanket and wakes up @ 1:30am, every night. & I know it's because of the crib. I put her back in her bassinet one night to see if she would STTN & she did. So how did she do last night with a full belly in her crib? Well, let's just say 1:30am comes awfully early for a momma who didn't go to bed until 12am.
STTN in Crib= Fail (again)!

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