Sunday, January 31, 2010

HI, My name is Stefanie and I'm addicted to blogs.

I feel like every time I get on the Internet, I am reading a blog. I log into Facebook (to which I am also addicted) and immediately go to my favs and start reading all my bookmarked blogs. Some of them are people I know, but most of them are women/mommies I have never met & probably will never meet. All of them I follow publicly, I'm not an anonymous stalker.

What is it about their lives that make me want to read about their day to day? Is it their eliquent writing? or sense of humor? Is it their adorable children? Is it their ability to work, blog, be a mommy, clean and make out with their hubby's all in a days time? I dunno but what ever it is I'm hooked. This week a few of the blogs I follow have been having 'Guest Blogger' week. Really? As if I don't have enough to read already, now you are throwing another blog in the mix for me to get addicted to. Just this week I add 3 more blogs to my favs. Is that sad? Nah, it's normal right???

1 comment:

Bradshaw's Buzz said...

Hi Stefanie. ::Waving hand:: My Name is Tanya and I, too, am addicted to blogs. ::bows head shamelessly::